
Your worst nightmare.

You're sneaking through a zone. It's pretty big, and you see a large enemy ahead of you. But wait, it's moving.

Scouts are large creatures that you do NOT want to mess with.

Scouts look like giant shooters, but instead of sleeping they move around. They are deaf and blind, however they can tell if someone is running near it or shining a light on them.

The main problem with the scout, though, is its tentacles/tendrils.

It protrudes long, slimy tendrils that sound like someone is scraping a wall with a toothbrush.

If you touch these tendrils, the scout will scream and become invulnerable for a few seconds. It will wake up the room you're in, and spawn a wave of enemies. However, apart from that, it is easy to take down once its awake, and deals 4% damage.

Once you get used to it, scouts are actually pretty easy to take care of.

There are a few ways to deal with scouts:

  1. Walk up to the Scout

  2. Fully charge your melee

  3. hit it on the head

If a sleeper wakes up though, try to deal with it first. If it screams, it will wake up the scout. Watch out though, as if you touch the tendrillws, it will become invulnerable after a second. - Example of a crouched stealth kill

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