
The introduction to the guide.

What is GTFO?

GTFO takes place sometime from 2020-2099. The complex takes place in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It is a mine, called the "chicxulub operation". We play as 4 scavengers. Hackett, Bishop, Woods, and Dauda. Bishop seemingly worked/works for Santonian Industries, which are strategic investors who invested in the operation, as well as "Garganta", a location we most likely havent seen yet. We are being controlled by the Warden, who is most likely an AI. It keeps us in check, as well as essentially keeps us hostage, as we are stored in HSU's - Hydro Stasis Units. The objective of each rundown is probably to just explore for the warden - the missions in R1A1 (Rundown 1 A1) was to try and explore and get as deep as you could, before another entrance/exit was detected, which leads us to R2, which then led us to R3. The game is (as steam says) a hardcore 4-player game, although it could be solo'd.

Credit to Warden, Rayalot72, and Welter.

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