The Terminal

The most useful tool you will find

The terminal is extremely useful. With it, you can find materials and stuff you may need.

There are three main commands:


When you enter list, it will bring up all of the items in the expedition. Not that useful, right? Well, it can be pretty useful. You can list zones and items.

Now, there are two variables in it. The object, and then the zone. For instance, you can do: list list key list key zone_113

Examples of the "list" command: list medipack list ammopack list tool_refill list disinfect_pack list box list terminal list locker list door list sec_door

if you want to find resources in a zone, like in the example above, you could do:

list resources zone_113.


Query is good for finding items.

If you need to find an item, you can query it regardless of zone. It will tell you the zone it is. This is most commonly used for things like keys or objectives.

Examples of the "query" command: Query Ammopack_381 Query Cargo_701 Query Key_Black_788 Query NCR_A02 Query Terminal_876 Query Locker_305


Pinging is like the brother everyone likes more than Query.

If you need to find an item in the zone you're in, you can ping it. It will tell you the area it is in, and also ping the item.

Examples of the "Ping" command: Ping Ammopack_381 Ping Cargo_701 Ping Key_Black_788 Ping Terminal_876 Ping NCR_A02 Ping Locker_305

Instead of looking for an item, you could just ping it and know exactly where it is.

There are other commands, like CLS and Logs. CLS clears the terminal, and Logs will show the lore logs on the terminal.

On some missions, though, you will have to use a terminal for a certain part of a mission. If you're unsure of what to do, you can always enter "help" and "commands".

If you press on the up or down on the arrow keys, you can go to your recent command. For instance: If I enter "lsit key", I can press up and then edit to "list key".

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