
In GTFO, it's important to know good strategies in order to survive.

If you put a shotgun turret in front of a door that you know enemies will attack is a good option. On the other side of the door in the photo is the alarm door, so the enemies will bunch up at this door trying to break it open. While they are breaking it open, the turret will shoot and kill them.

Mines deal a lot of damage as we slightly touched on in "Choosing your best loadout". They can also break doors, which is a slight problem. But the simple solution is to put it on the opposite side of the door. Lets take the screenshot for example. On the side we're on, is the alarm door. On the opposite side is where the enemies will come from. The enemies will bunch up while breaking through the door. When they finally break through, there will be a mine which would kill a large amount of them.

While not the best strategy to use, putting a mine slightly above your head will make it so it will only kill giants.

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