Rundown 2 Logs

Logs found in Rundown 2

From: Andrew Clinton B035

To: J...o Davies A001

Date: August 01st, 2050

Subject: Breaking Ground

Mr Davies,

The external walls at Garganta have been poured and I have been given an estimate of 8 weeks for curing before we can start drilling the primary shaft.

I am sure you heard about the accident we had at pump #14. The flooding was quickly contained, and all workers have signed the necessary waivers and NDAs. I want to assure you the report will indicate the accident happened at the mining operation and not at Garganta. If any official agencies do raise concerns over our methods, they will direct their attention to the chicxulub operation first, and we will have time to adjust as necessary at Garganta before they stick their noses in. I feel I should inform you that the representative from McCallister Aggregates (the concrete suppliers) had a lot of questions about the project. I gave him no information, but I think it may be worth keeping an eye on McCallister’s involvement. They’re a bit invasive. Our contract with them runs for another 2 years, but we should consider finding a more discrete supplier for the internal construction of the facility. There is nothing to worry ourselves about yet, but once full construction begins it may be hard to keep the more sensitive operations under wraps. Both Nyxos and Rockford have been tactful so far, and I believe both companies offer adequate molding and forming facilities that would meet our needs. Nyxos in particular has proved to be a reliable supplier and knows not to ask too many questions. I will inform you once drilling starts. Please let me know if you intent to visit the site so I can make the necessary arrangements. There are a lot of people here and while security is tight, I would like it to be tighter should you decide to come and see the work for yourself.

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